Sunday, September 22, 2013

Today we being week 5 of the class as I struggle to make up for the previous 4 weeks of work. Originally I was enrolled and attended two weeks of another ECE class at Sierra College in Truckee only to be told that I had to withdraw because I was missing a prerequisite.
Since I was up for a possible teaching position at a preschool, I needed to show that I was working towards my ECE Certificate in order to get hired, and that I was currently enrolled in an ECE class.
I scrambled to find any class that still had availability and at the last possible moment on the very last day of adds, Professor Bliss was kind enough to allow me to be a late add and take HD 25, Culture and Diversity in Early Childhood Education! And I'm so happy she did. It's turning out to be a wonderful class and I am thoroughly enjoying the topic and everything I'm learning so far.
I'm happy to announce that I have been hired at the preschool and will begin teaching on September 30th! I'm somewhat overwhelmed with life in general right now and especially with all the catching up but at least I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Hallelujah!

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